
Leche Lounge Rebrand

Moms deserve better than bathroom stalls and unlockable conference rooms or closets. Sounds reasonable right? Unfortunately in this country many nursing mothers heading back to work or out living their life have to deal with less-than-ideal places to pump. Stephanie Conduff found out first-hand while in law school how difficult this could be and decided to come up with a solution. Leche Lounge is a lactation suite that provides a solution to CEOs and governments to comply with the law while also watching the bottom line. Stephanie was part of Project Entrepreneur a few months back when we met to talk about rebranding Leche Lounge with an identity that matched her awesome personality and her mission to bring better solutions to all the moms out there returning to work after childbirth. She definitely needed a brand that respected not only her sophisticated solution but also inspire the women who would be using the spaces with something more than upside down boob smiley faces. 🙃

LecheLounge_case study_title.jpg
 Leche Lounge is Native American owned and operated, and as part of Cherokee Nation we pulled inspiration from Sequoyah's syllabary that he invented in the early 19th century with geometric shapes that invoke the printing press that would run the new

Leche Lounge is Native American owned and operated, and as part of Cherokee Nation we pulled inspiration from Sequoyah's syllabary that he invented in the early 19th century with geometric shapes that invoke the printing press that would run the new characters starting in 1828.

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original — rebrand

original — rebrand